Good article on installing WordPress w/o using the often old Debian package:
VirtualBox Web Service Configuration for phpVirtualBox
The vboxweb-service is required for connecting to a VBox Host from phpVirtualBox. On Debian Stretch, the service is installed and started whenever VBox is started (i.e. boot or after an upgrade) however it immediately exits if its configuration file is not present. The configuration file is not created by default. You need to create it: […]
VirtualBox Daily Snapshot Script
It is a good practice to create a routine snapshot of VMs once per day. This is not a full backup to off-site media since the snapshot has a differencing disk image and must be on fast storage (same directory as the .vdi in my configuration). There is also no method to automatically delete these […]
Repartition SD Card to Smaller Capacity
Older devices may not be compatible with newer SDHC & SDXC SD Cards. It should be possible to repartition a higher capacity card and reformat it with FAT in order to support older devices. The additional space on the Card will be wasted, but the device should accept the Card. Here is the procedure using […]
VirtualBox Windows ACPI Shutdown
In order for VirtualBox to shutdown a Windows guest machine using ACPI, the ‘Shutdown without Logon’ option must be enabled. This can be configured using RegEdit to set the following key to a value of 1: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\shutdownwithoutlogon
Linux Support for SSDs
fstrim is used on a mounted filesystem to discard (or “trim”) blocks which are not in use by the filesystem. This is useful for solid- state drives (SSDs) and thinly-provisioned storage. Running fstrim frequently, or even using mount -o discard, might negatively affect the lifetime of poor-quality SSD devices. For most desktop and server systems […]
Linux arp-scan
The ARP Scan Tool is a very fast ARP packet scanner that shows every active IPv4 device on your subnet. Since ARP is non-routable, this type of scanner only works on the local LAN (local subnet or network segment). The ARP Scan Tool shows all active devices even if they have firewalls. Devices cannot hide […]
Resize, Modify & Convert Images from the Linux Terminal
ImageMagick is a set of command-line utilities for modifying images. ImageMagick can perform modifications of an image from a terminal, perform batch processing of multiple images, or be used in a bash script. Converting Between Formats The following command takes a PNG file in the current directory and creates a JPEG file from it: convert […]
